Build & Deploy Full Stack Link Sharing App Using MERN Stack

Yogesh Chavan
3 min readApr 18, 2024

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey into the world of full-stack web development with the MERN stack?

The MERN Stack Masterclass is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to build and deploy a link sharing app.

Here’s the demo of the application you will be building.

You can also, check out the free preview content from the course.

In this 6+ hours video course, you will learn the basics of MERN Stack From Scratch and then build and deploy a complete full-stack Link sharing App.

In this MERN Stack course, you will learn:

✅ how to implement secure cookie-based authentication
✅ how to use redux toolkit for managing application state
✅ how to allow uploading image of specific dimension and type
✅ how to upload images to cloudinary
✅ how to create protected routes
✅ how to implement copy to clipboard functionality
✅ how to implement lazy loading in react
✅ how to use react context API to share data between components
✅ how to maintain logged in user session
✅ how to implement smooth animation with drag-and-drop functionality
✅ how to add skeleton loading effect
✅ how to properly display backend unhandled errors on frontend
✅ how to deploy this fullstack application on production



Yogesh Chavan
Yogesh Chavan

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